8/31/2024 It be like that

As I connect with people in our community, I’ve encountered many who feel let down by the healthcare system. Despite being directed to government programs, they often find that real help only comes in the most desperate situations. I recently met someone who, after many run-ins with the law, managed to stay sober for an entire week—a significant achievement that deserves recognition. Even though they’re still without a home, they have a stable income and are doing their best to make the right choices.

One problematic individual in our community has finally been detained, but this situation raises larger questions about how we support those who are genuinely trying to improve their lives.

As I prepare to run for office in April 2025, I believe that open and respectful dialogue is crucial. When people feel they can speak freely without fear of repercussions, we get closer to finding real solutions to our unanswered questions. We must support those who are pursuing their dreams, ensuring they have the freedom to do so within the boundaries of a stable, legal income.

If any of these experiences resonate with you, please share your thoughts below. We value hearing from you, and together, we can build a more supportive and understanding community. This is OurAspect.

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Just last night I was so cold. You reached out by bringing me pillows and a sheet. Thank you so much.💖💖💖

Elizabeth Fulton

You definitely sound like someone I’d vote for! What office are you running for? I’d love to support you!!




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